Megan and I met on the innertubewebs. She'd been searching for pictures of the Maroon Bells and found my blog entries from September (probably posted in October) 2006 when Vicki, Sam and I were out there.
It turns out Megan and Rodd had been out there the same week we had. Megan and i share a passion for photography and wide-open spaces with interesting landscapes... yeah, Mountains, too ... and so we've had quite a bit to talk about the past couple of years over the internet. We were emailing back and forth so much to begin with that Vicki started jokingly calling her my "internet girlfriend".
They were every bit as nice and decent, down-to-earth people as they seemed from her emails. We have an awful lot in common.
Megan is an excellent photographer who would probably only need a little luck to make it professionally. Her work quality is all there. She knows what she's doing. She has a real eye and a knack. Grew up in her dad's dark room doing film. She works in digital now and can do some amazing stuff. You should check her site out. I send people who think I'm good out to her site to see what someone who really knows what they're doing can do. If she's not making a living doing it, my chances of making it at my dream job are less than slim :-)
We traded stories and routes to travel, places to stop in the Colorado mountains, and of course I'm expecting to see some pictures when they get back to Idaho.
'Course, that'll probably be after I see Sarah's from their trip out west. Hear that, Sarah? ;-)
Oh, for you photography freaks out there -- or even if you just take a lot of pictures of your family ... you should really check out this site she introduced me to in the last couple of years. Ken Rockwell has some great advice for anybody with a camera. He is the anti-elitist, honest-to-goodness professional photographer who knows what's going on between your ears is actually far more important that your camera equipment.
You're too kind..... :) We definitely had a blast and hope to make it back around in a few years. Or perhaps you guys will make it back to Yellowstone or even Glacier. It's a mere days drive from here to Yellowstone and less than 3 hours to Glacier from home. :) We'd love to see you! Our home is always open. (Seriously....) Thanks again for your hospitality. We really enjoyed our visit.
ReplyDeleteI'm just now catching up on things so hopefully I'll be getting some images posted on the blog soon......