Trenton is a little chatterbox. No words, yet, outside of Mama, Dada, Nana, and ... my name ... "Gah". /gäh/

We get to babysit regularly, and I'm still going to swimming "classes" with him, Mommy & Me classes that Kristin teaches at the F.I.T. Center. So, in order to swim with Trenton, of course, I have to go as a Mommy, which is a little embarrassing, but at least I had to lose some weight to get into the little blue swim-dress. I guess it makes the ladies at Females In Training (where the classes are held) more comfortable or something.
And we won't talk about the surgery. ;-)

Got to babysit a little while last night, too, which is also a lot of fun. Are you picking up on the theme here?
Finally got some sunshine today after 4 days of rain. And it looks like we'll be going to the Mizzou football game using John & Pam's tickets. Weather looks nice for it. And after that it looks like headlong into the holiday season. My parents for Thanksgiving, then go get mother-in-law from Fort Wayne, have our Thanksgiving Dec 5 with our boys and their families, Rob and Cathy's annual Christmas shindig, Vicki's birthday on the 18th, Christmas a week later, then New Years ... then to my parents in early January for our Christmas thing ... and then my birthday in late January followed by our anniversary Feb 1. It's always a whirlwind.
We took Brian and Kristin out for dinner for Brian's birthday Sunday. Went back to their house afteward for cake with Grandma Jean, who was babysitting. And I got the priviledge of reading Trenton to sleep. I love doing that. It's my favorite thing. We were reading "Where the Wild Things Are", and when I got to the growling part, I asked him if he could growl.
He'll probably be saying his first "real" words before Christmas. My bet is on "hotdog". It's his favorite food group. Well I don't know. Candy corn seems to be up there, too as far as food goes. I did notice that he's saying something closer to "tick-tock" for "clock", as opposed to "eh-ah", and he wants to know what the name of everything is even if he can't say the words yet.
He knows blue, red, yellow, and green very well.
I think it's going to be a fun Christmas.