There were birthday dinners and a birthday lunch during the week. I started riding my bicycle to work again. But Wednesday after work I came out to a flat tire and Vicki had to pick me up. Then Thursday was the guitar lesson. Friday lunch with the Unraths. I fixed the tire. And monday/tuesday this week we drove Mom back home. And yesterday and this morning the new heat pump is being installed. Plus I'm having an integrated humidifier put in for the whole house. That'll be nice.

Kevin came out Saturday evening sans Angela, who was on call this weekend. So I didn't get the big family pic taken. He went out with a childhood friend and hit a few bars that night. Sunday we went down to Warsaw for Trenton's baptism and stayed for a BBQ lunch at the Carletons' place. Nice group of people. We really like them.

That being said, I'd say the majority of people there were dressed ok and behaved.
Yesterday I took my GPS apart to try to fix it's little problem with horizontal lines across the display. I've been able to "fix" it by rapping it against my hand when it does this for the last few years, but it was getting worse. It seems better except that now the very top of the screen seems to have the problem permanently now. I want an HCX one anyway.... hmmmm.
It didn't help matters that when we were coming back from Indiana, I was apparently whizzing by the airport just a little TOO fast and got pulled over for my second-ever speeding ticket. I'm usually paying more attention than that. This is a wide section of highway -- "Super 70" -- that they've basically made two separate multi-lane highways each way with ample shoulders that handles the traffic there. And NO on/off access in the section we were on. I've seen pretty narrow stretches of 70 where the speed limit is 70. But here, it's 55 for some strange reason. Oh well. Lesson learned. I imagine it's a great revenue source for Marion county.
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