So first thing's first ... let's catch up a bit.
I'm a grandad again. Andrew Zane Marema was born July 13, 2013. We were there. Vicki and Kevin and Marken's Mother were actually in the delivery room for the whole thing. Ken and I hung out in the hallway. There were computers in the hallway ... we figured out which graph was Marken, so we watched the progression of labor "scientifically" from outside. It was kind of neat. Of course, we weren't the ones with the contractions and a wall separated us from the grueling work going on inside.

He's 10 months old now, and he's quite possibly the cutest kid in the world (see picture near the end of this post).
Vicki's mom fell sometime I think right before Thanksgiving. Low blood pressure and dizziness. Partially due to dehydration, partially due to blood and heart medications needing some adjustment. She actually cracked a vertibrae in her back.

She just turned 95 last week.
Brian came with Ryan, Scotty and me on our winter walkabout this year for the first time. Be cool if he can make it a habit. I think he had a good time. Just an overnight camp in the woods middle of winter because we can. Yes, we're nuts.

Trenton continues to grow and change. He's still my little buddy. We have him overnight tonight while Mommy and Daddy have some fun with some friends. He's in Tee Ball again. Last year he played on the Cardinals team (much to Papa's happiness ... but not so much to Daddy's and Nana's since they're Cubs' fans). This year he's on the Red Sox.

Well we knew he was a very sweet kid ... he does need to transfer some of that extremely good behavior (always doing what he's told and listening) to home and Nana and Papa's houses. And probably Grandpa John and Grammy Pammy's house, too. :-)
I missed my mountains last year. We were going to go to RMNP last September, but the weekend before we were going to go is when they got that massive rain and all the roads washed out. So we do have plans to go this year (and reservations to boot!).
I have not been out and about with my camera much at all. This is bad.
And since Vicki retired, I haven't been playing my guitar as much at home, especially not singing. I need to do something about that. Still going to Lee Ruth, and I'm getting better at some things but sloppier at some of the things I used to be better at.
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Mark, Lois, and I ("The January Club") celebrated our 50th birthdays this January. We were all born within a week of each other, and have been celebrating off and on since ... oh, man ... what is it, 30 years ago?
As far as the water heater goes ... we ended up replacing it with an EcoSmart 27. It has M-E-T-A-L chambers that won't crack. It works great. But it does make our breaker box buzz when it's running. Still trying to trouble-shoot that. Might be I need twisted wiring between the panel and subpanel. This one varies the energy transfer by modulation... not as sophisticated as the Seisco ... but it won't crack and leak like the Seisco did for 10 years.

Vicki's cousin Andi and her husband Todd dropped by on their way to their daughter's K-State graduation this past week. We had Ev over that night. Always good to catch up with family.
I hear Vicki's cousin Ben (first cousin, once removed) is touring again with Barry Gibb this year. He did several tours with the Bee Gees a decade or so ago playing keyboard with them. You'll see him on their "One Night Only" concert DVD. They call him. Now there's only one Gibb Brother left. I have one Jazz EP of Christmas music he recorded for Christmas 2003. Good stuff. It gets played every year. We usually get to see his dad Jim and wife Carol once a year as well. They're the ones we visited in Vegas and Murphy NC (search the blog for 'em).
Float trip coming up. That's always fun. Hit the mountains later this summer. Can't wait.
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