So I took it apart last night. Tried filing the edges to fit closer. No dice. Even put the original gaskets back in as they looked fine. About midnight I realized that the problem is actually a hairline crack in the output pipe that is growing slowly. I melted some plastic I scraped from the outside of it onto the crack with a soldering iron... that helped some, but it was 2:00am by that time and I needed to go to bed. Turned on the water just long enough for showers and dishes this morning. then took it apart again and put epoxy on it, inside and out (where I could). I filed the hardened

Last Friday we did Kevin's birthday at the Pasta Factory, and over Easter Weekend took Mom back to Fort Wayne. Brian went back to Indiana today for Marines duty... he has about a month left on active duty, so he'll be gone during the week.

It's still very pretty.
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