The big day has come and gone, and I am, once again, a father-in-law. And I do love my new daughter-in-law. Brian and Kristin are now, as the bishop in The Princess Bride said,
man and wife! And currently they're hopefully enjoying themselves in Hawaii.

Someone asked me if it went off without a hitch. I thought that was an interesting choice of words. I answered "well, just one" (with a grin).
That's not quite true. The maid of honor rear-ended the bride on the way to the wedding - nobody was hurt. And as we went to leave for the reception, we had a flat tire. So I was out in the 100 degree heat in a tux changing a tire before the reception.

Dick & Dorothy came up from Texas, and Linda brought Mom down from Indiana. We stayed in a bed and breakfast near Kristin's Warsaw home. The rehearsal dinner went fine, and the wedding service was nice with a good sermon about their upcoming journey.
My contingent (0utside of Vicki's family) consisted of Tom & Betty, Joel & Dawn, Mark & Cami & kids, Mike & Lois & kids, Ryan & Kristie, and Sam.
We've had a nice visit with Dick & Dorothy & Mom the last few days. Dick & Dorothy left for Texas today, and we'll take Mom back to Fort Wayne this weekend, I guess.

We've had a few more 100 degree days and no rain to speak of. The trees look tired, and the rain is teasing us to the north and to the south. We got about 5 minutes of very light sprinkling yesterday.
I spent a lot of yesterday editing pictures -- cropping, reducing red-eye.... to share them out to the interested parties from the wedding. We got a few prints today.
Next big thing is the Colorado trip at the end of next month. :-) Can't wait for that.
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