Horse chicks are hot.

Ran in to several people at the show ... a few I was surprised to see there, including my insurance agent and a coworker. The place was packed. For my part, I picked up some 9mm ammo which has been hard to find since the election. And I got Vicki a hand-held stun-gun. 850,000 volts of "get the f*ck away from me" that fits in her purse and has a wrist lanyard. (I know. This is a family blog. But I'm sorry, that's just the best way to describe it.) Designed to fit in a lady's hand. So any of you bleepholes lurking in a dark alley or parking garage or hiding behind a bush had just better steer clear.
And maybe I should be on my best behavior as well :-) Who wants to piss off a woman with that kind of power?

I also got some ammo for the Mosin-Nagant rifle ... a Russian WWII rifle I have. Made in 1943. Accurate little buggers, these are. And bolt-action, so all the powder pushes one way -- forward. It's old. It's simple. It works well. Ergo, I like it.

Brother Tom gave me his bicycle this winter. A nice "Specialized" 21 speed with front shocks, fenders, and accurate "click" shifters. The bicycle I'd had before he also gave to me. It was probably 10 years old when he got it, and I've had it for 20. And he had it for 10 or so. It worked. But just.
But Tom's got this funky cardiovascular condition now that means basically he can't exercise without getting terrible headaches and passing out. Anyway ... how I (try) to keep in shape is by riding a bike to work 3 days a week outside of winter. And I started again a week ago friday. But it's still spring and the weather didn't cooperate much last week. Between the weather and my Thursday guitar lesson, we're talking two days last week. But I'll pedal in tomorrow, in the cold. I hate myself by the time I get to the top of Providence Hill, but I feel better later for having done it both physically and mentally. I'd like to try another 14er this summer. Even if I don't get to, Colorado is calling my name. I need a mountain fix.
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