Saturday we went to Kevin & Brian's open house for the Grand Opening of their security and sound buisiness (Command Security -- go check 'em out, today! ;-) ) Kevin had built and installed the demo security, TV, & sound systems. Kevin ... and maybe Jay, another co-owner, built all of the display "walls" and installed demo systems throughout the office/store. It looks good. They have a surround sound demo room with a plasma TV, and all kinds of nifty home security and automation devices complete with monitors, video and otherwise. Makes you feel in Command of your security. And Sound. ;-)
From there we went to Bill's open house at Lawn and Leisure (fellow Elk and local farm equipment dealer) where he had a gigantic steak luncheon for like 300 people. Vicki and I watched Sam & Bill & Don & Greg play pitch in the "Lawn and Leisure Social Club" for a couple of hours, then we all ended up over at the Elks for a couple more hours. So I got nothing done that I'd planned to Saturday afternoon.
Sunday the tree had to go up. We're running out of time. We got it last weekend and it's been in the garage, still tied up from shipping from Michigan to Columbia. I'd had it in a bucket of water, and it had started taking water up pretty well by friday. Cut another inch off and brought it in.
Of course, since it was never unbound we didn't get a chance to have it "shaken out" at the tree farm. So there were LOTS of needles. But it turned out to be about a perfectly shaped tree. So I put some Christmas music on and strung the lights up. We'll probably get around to decorating it tonight.
Last night Brian and Kristin came over to watch the first half of the Bears-Rams game. Of course, Vicki and Brian are huge Bears fans. And I used to be a St. Louis football Cardinals fan, but I disowned them when they moved. And I just can't get past the idea that the Rams are supposed to be in LA. So I never adopted them. I think the team name should stay with the city, frankly. I have nothing against the Rams. Just can't seem to identify with them as a St. Louis team.
The Rams played close for the first half, but it was pretty much all Bears in the second half.
Mean time I'm in the middle of a Z-pak getting rid of a persistent low-grade sinus infection that had gone to my ears. It's muuuuuch better already. This is the beginning of day 5.
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