Got everything together the night before. For some reason, Vicki was very tired and for once I ended up organizing everything. Oatmeal, sugar & cinnamon, salt/pepper shakers, extra salt. Packed the stuff for trail mix, all the jerky. Got all my stuff together and was in bed by 11:30.
Unfortunately, I couldn't sleep. Vicki got up at 4:30 -- I may have had about 3 hours of sleep by that time. I was planning on getting up at 5, but since she had gone to bed at 9:00 ... anyway,it worked out. We got out on time and got to Sam's and picked him up just before 7:00 am. Stopped and topped the gas off ($1.99 -- won't be that cheap in Colorado) and took off.
My little FM transmitter that lets us play my mp3 player through the radio in the car died

I brought my GPS with topographical info on it. Sam brought his with roadmaps, directions, and ETA estimates. Between battery chargers, cell phone chargers, my blue tooth headset, the MP3 player, the FM transmitter, my GPS and Sam's GPS -- not to mention his Nikon and my Pentax digital SLR's ... we figured we had enough technology in the car to get to Mars -- or at least maybe open a Best Buy somewhere.
We got to Colorado Springs at around 6:30 local time and checked into our Motel 6. We figured we just needed a place to crash -- and that's pretty much what we got. But it WAS cheap. They had "continental coffee" in the ... office in the morning. Whoo-hoo! And they had hot water, towels, and soap. What more do you need? Oh, I forgot about the 19" TV. Well, we got the Tigers score (we won!) and the Weather Channel. What a forecast!!!!!!! Pretty much Sunny all week except for friday.

By this time we were pretty hungry. With sure-fire directions in hand, we struck out on 25 North. Got off at the correct exit this time. Drove past a Super WalMart and a few other places -- and there it was. Only something wasn't right. The sign wasn't lit up. And it was dark inside. We went around to the parking lot...
Well, no Joe's tonight. We went to "On the Border" -- a Mexican chain we'd never been to before (and most likely won't go to again) and Vicki's and my meals alone came to like $48 (before tip). It was good, but it wasn't THAT good. But at that point we didn't care (much) anymore.
Back to the motel, and crash.
There was a Waffle House nearby, and we had a nice breakfast there with some interesting local color. Drove up the road a half mile to get a nice gander at the snow-covered Pike's Peak, and then headed down toward Pueblo to catch 50 into Cañon City to see Royal Gorge.

But then we went back into town to eat lunch at Pizza Madness,

Frankly, Cañon City is only at about 5,000 feet. Here I am, a day and a half into my mountain vacation -- and I'm thinkin' it's about time to get some 'tude!!!!!!!!!
So we drove North up the Arkansas River Valley quite a while. We slowly gained altitude, and soon the Collegiate Peaks began appearing on the left. And much to my relief, we saw colorful aspen groves spilling down the mountainsides, and majestic snow-capped 13'ers and 14'ers. I wanted to stop and take a picture or two, but Sam was driving and he was all business. We were getting to the cabins. And it worked out just as well.

I was pretty happy about this decision. I love looking up at the mountains. I love hiking in the pines and aspens. I love sitting beside a rushing mountain stream. But I love nothing more than being above the tree line, in God's Country.
As we drove up the pass, I could feel that familiar euphoria building. Ever-changing, breath-taking scenery, and the road going up, up, up -- to that special place I can't explain to anyone who hasn't been there, and don't have to explain it to most people who have.

We got to the pass, and it, of course, was beautiful. 13er's and 14er's all around, snow everywhere, and a couple of frozen lakes. There was a short hike to a lookout point to the southeast, and we took off for it.

In places, the snow was more than knee deep. Vick's leg went way down once and she fell in it. It was typically about mid-calf. First big snow of the season, and a rare early one (for that much snow) for late September. Usually their first big one comes about a month later than that. The sun was setting, and it was cold. We

"On the day that John Wayne died, I found myself on the Continental Divide. Where do we go from here? Think I'll drive in to Leadville and have a few beers." - Jimmy Buffett, Incommunicado
And that's what we did.
(well, sometimes lens flare "works")
Joe's Crab Shack isn't just "closed for renovation". The entire chain was sold by Landry's to JCS Holdings, who are converting a whole bunch of Joe's nationwide into steak houses. There might be a couple left in other states that keep the "Joe's" brand, but it doesn't sound like this will last for long. Landry's made this sale in Oct. 2006 and it got VERY little publicity, even in the business press. I really had to search the Web to find out what went on.